I never prescribed this idea for many years, especially as it was presented in religious teachings. It wasn't until I was on my self-discovery and spiritual journey that I began a new healing journey. I realized that the battle between good and evil goes even more profound and broader than I could have fathomed.
This has been a challenging journey at times, but it was one on which I acquired hard-earned wisdom. My path included becoming an energy and sound healer. Still, this type is that of the good that uses white light and love energies to clear and transmute dense, heavy, and darker energies—being naive and unable to see from the duality of this and clinging to this notion that everybody is good and means well at the core of their being. I would not let go of my rose-colored glasses. Perhaps subconsciously, I did not want to know or admit that evil did exist and that I found myself in the middle of a battle I was defenseless in and had no idea that I was being attacked. I was being attacked by more than a few sources that I couldn't identify, let alone what exactly was being done that was causing such chaos in my life.
It took me many years of living through the chaos and lying to myself that other people were doing these things to me. I finally admitted to myself that these people were using energy - they, too, were energy manipulators. Still, their intentions were not pure or friendly; much of this had been directed at me. Yes, if you can use healing energy to heal, you can use energy to hurt others - everything is energy, including intentions, thoughts, beliefs, and words. It sounds completely nuts, right? Isn't it the latest trend in today's modern world of the use of intentions and brain waves? It's not so crazy when presented that way, but how about the duality of this, which many people don't believe in at all? I call it witchcraft or dark magic - some will argue that it's not real and that witchcraft and dark magic are just the same as light magic. I beg to differ.
I don't know how to articulate my experiences fully, which makes me doubt myself, paranoia, and feel like I am going crazy. However, I have witnessed other people discuss their own experiences similar to mine, and I know that they felt the same way that I did with doubt, paranoia, and feeling crazy. It is hard to get validation and confirmation about these experiences because the attacks target an individual in particular ways. The other component is that these are psychic energy attacks, and to pick up on these. It may take a highly sensitive or psychic person to pick up the subtleties or experience these things extrasensory or psychically. I have seen dualities of light and dark, and I prefer and choose the light. Since psychics are not all tuned in the same way, I pick up things more from my most developed senses to my least developed senses. I don't think you have to be psychic, but it is intuitive to be able to detect these things. I have sensed, felt, experienced, and seen inexplicable things.
Are these my true feelings and thoughts, or has somebody intentionally sent them to me? I know this sounds crazy, but it is all energy and possible. I have felt anger or fear out of nowhere, and I knew that these were my feelings that came out of nowhere and were very specific. I knew that these weren't what my focus was on. I had been entirely focused on something I was working on and in a great mood, and these other things seemed to come out of thin air. Sounds crazy, right? I thought so, too, and that is why when I could tune into these occurrences, I would focus on what I was feeling, what I had been doing, and what I was feeling. I would also observe and release these feelings that seemed not to be my own and any other essences of people that might be attached to these. It is like being a target of a direct energy weapon, except in this case, it is a human-to-human energy. These feelings or thoughts are intentionally transferred or sent to a recipient or target. I have witnessed some very dark things, from dark entities being sent directly to me to dark entities being sent to others around me and those people being manipulated like puppets or by proxy to behave a certain way towards me or a target. Knowing what I know now and what I have experienced is something that I know is happening all the time, whether it is just simply thinking or believing that something is occurring without me ever giving it thought or acknowledging it. The thing is, it is being done by those who are our friends and those who pose as our biggest fans. I know it sounds paranoid. You can think what you want and say what you will - I know what I have experienced. I trust myself. I trust my intuition. I trust that I know when the energy of others is in my energy. I believe it is a subconscious goal of mine to teach others to live and feel a deeper state of living and feeling and being so that they, too, have the wisdom and understanding that each of us is a very powerful energy that can create our realities and that the energy around us does have an influence on us and our well being. I am here to help humans evolve to elevate the human experience.