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Writer's pictureJulie Guthrie-Smulson

Transformative Alchemy

If you didn't already know it, transforming ourselves is an inside job. Transformations require us to assess ourselves to do the shadow work that gives us the awareness that because of beliefs, we have behaved in a way that has created a patterned cycle of experiences. I know this to be true. I have done a lot of work over the past few years, and it hasn't been easy to turn rage and pain around and flip the script to be loving and compassionate and come from a place of gratitude and forgiveness. It takes time to understand from a higher perspective and temper the ego. It is a never-ending journey of becoming more aware and understanding of all that exists.

The moon's magic teaches us that we give up everything that no longer serves us at the full moon. This has become a ritual of mine to do on and around the full moon. The ritual of the moon reminds us that we live like the moon, the stars, the sun, and the planets - we cycle through patterns of existence that ebb and flow and expand and contract - we are no different. We do the same as the universe, but we have the power to change the course of our existence through our conscious awareness of self from multiple perspectives that we glimpse through our cycles of evolution. It is like a dance that we individually have with the universe. Sometimes, others want to dance with us, and in those dances, we learn who and what we are, what we are made of, and what truly drives us on a soul level. Those dances can be with lovers and enemies, and at the end of each dance, we have gathered a rhythm and harmony of understanding of the lessons that were there for us.

The power of your transformative alchemy is in your own being - it is called free will. You, like me, have this powerful energy that is free will - which is at the starting point of creation - the second is belief - believing in oneself and what one wants is how one creates one's reality. Through our beliefs and awareness of those beliefs, we have the power to change the trajectory of our lives and the outcome of our existence. It all begins on the path of self-discovery, which we may call our spiritual path or our strong desire to find the truth - that irrefutable concrete truth.

The search for truth, whether personal or universal, is one that many of us follow. It is possible to come very close to and embrace truth, including that which has been elusive and hidden for millennia. I believe what is done in the dark with the darkness can be and will be brought to light. I believe this because, now and then, our universal planetary system has anomalies occur, and planets shift and change courses and directions. These things come with great anticipation and attention. When they do happen, the human mind questions why and asks what the meaning of why this event is occurring. At these times, a course of events that had occurred prior has completely changed its course, and a new course is being set for our energy to follow a new trajectory - as if the planetary system had a transformation of universal alchemy. When this happens, all other energetic circumstances follow that new trajectory, including all of us, and that is why we question what this means - we want to know how it will impact us rather than ebbing and flowing and going with the tidal wave of the universal energy of new and awe-inspiring declaration of a new beginning. In one way or another, it is an arrival of change for better or worse. We are in times of change - we must go through some uncomfortable adjustments to shed what we no longer want or need in this system to welcome in and integrate the new that we need to grow and evolve as individuals and as a part of the whole - the one - to become one with the heart and mind of unconditional universal love that includes all of existence that also extends far beyond our own constructs of our minds and physical reality.

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